Baby Yellow Duck!

So the other day me and Mike were outside playing in the garden and feeding the ducks and up from our back pond comes a little baby duck! My first comment was, “oh look Sweetie, the duck adopted a baby chicken”, lol. I was tired, and I had never seen a duck this young before but MAN he’s a cutie!

Mother and Baby Duck Yellow Fuzzy CuteI just want to pick him up and hold him, but, some sad news today. I was looking out my window last night and I saw the neighborhood cat carrying this little yellow ball of cuteness in his mouth:( I couldn’t get outside in time but thankfully my neighbor (who I now know as The cat’s owner) saved the little duck and put the cat inside. I totally get it’s natural instinct for the cat and I don’t blame him, to him the ducking is his caviar! lol But still! The duckling was alone for a while in the pond, and I am considering catching it, and feeding it, the mother is no where’s in sight. I do not know if the baby duck is still around, but if it is! I want to keep him!

I did a bit of research on keeping a baby duck and here is what I have found:

  1. Provide a heat lamp in an area with enough room for the duckling to move away from the heat if needed. New ducklings need a temperature of 85 to 90 F. with the temperature lowered 5 degrees each week. You’ll have to guess at its age.
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  3.  If a ‘duck and goose’ starter feed isn’t available then the duckling can have ‘unmedicated’ chick starter with some brewer’s yeast added (to meet a duckling’s need for extra niacin). A ‘grower’ feed would also suffice since the starter should only be used for the first 2-3 weeks.
  4. Ducklings also need greens–chopped tender grass, dandelions, clover, cabbage, lettuce, etc. Also provide some fine grit.
  5. Some pine wood shavings for bedding
  6. You probably don’t want to hear this but, a lone duck is an unhappy someone had suggested to put a mirror in with them.  

A few other suggestions were getting duck diapers and feeding them eggs, I think I’ll pass on those 2 for now! lol

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