Birds Nest, Bird Saving, Bird Feeders Homemade, Just a lot of info about BIRDS!

New! Birds Nest Necklace! I will be selling these shortly! The eggs will be able to be different colors if you choose, what do you think? Cute eh?

Now this is an interesting story, my step-daughter and myself are the early birds, so we are usually up before the boys either watching tv, or baking or even cleaning. Maddy is always wanting to help me with anything I am doing <3. That morning Maddy asked me to go feed our live in ducks(they never leave our pond/yard here’s a youtube video of Riley Feeding them, I say sure, and about 2 min later she comes running in saying there is  a bird trapped in our garage she thinks, so  of course I grab my camera and run outside in my PJ’s and found this guy:

He was frantically trying to get out, slamming into the windows, even the doggie door(which is how I figure he got into the shed).  We had opened the big garage door at this point and were trying to shoo him out and he just couldn’t figure out which way to fly. I can imagine he was a tad scared considering the two huge monsters that just came in(lol ) so Maddy steps up to the plate, walks over to the window, pets the bird, takes two hands, scoops him up and lets him go out the garage door, it was almost like a Disney movie lol Maddy was freaking about it, and honestly, so was I. They say the early bird catches the worm, well in this case, the early risers catch the birds hehe.
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Also as a side project this fall, we decided to make pinecone bird feeders, I think this one was Mike’s idea.

To make these just melt a bit of peanut butter and roll in bird seed, note, tie the string on first! 🙂

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